What causes and how to treat varicose veins on the uterus?

quam varices of the uterus causing a great danger to women, especially if she is pregnant. Most often, the pathology is accompanied by quam varices vasodilatation of the lower extremities, labia, cervix and all the pelvic organs. When mater quam varices impaired outflow of blood fluid. Eye pathology is characterized by thinning of the walls of the veins of the uterus, widening of the lumen of blood vessels and the formation of the nodular veins.

There are 2 types of quam varices of the uterus:
  1. The acquired form develops on the background of negative conditions for ships. Can be primary and secondary. In the second case, the cause of gynecological disease areas.
  2. Congenital form occurs in the womb or inherited.
Classification of varices of the uterus quam by severity:
  1. In the first stage of the development of the disease the vessels diameter is increased to 7 mm.
  2. In the second stage – up to 8 mm, when the veins are deformed.
  3. In the third stage – up to 13 mm. Involved in the formation of nodes.

Features quam uterine varices during pregnancy

During pregnancy quam varices dilatation of the uterus is not common, but they can occur, due to the expansion of the uterus. This will help the obsession of the circulatory system. And it was during this period requires the increased blood circulation, such as sanguis liquid to deliver the placenta and the fetus of nutrients. If a woman has a child, the placenta and fetus do not receive proper nutrition, which develops oxygen starvation. You need to know that during this period, disrupted hormones which relax the vein walls, and valves do not operate in the desired mode. It provokes the development of quam varices varicose veins in the uterus.

 varicose veins during pregnancy</1_img>


Factors provocantes the development of the pathology are:
  • pregnancy, because it puts pressure on the blood vessels;
  • excessive exercise increase the inflow of blood fluid in the uterus, which extends to the veins;
  • constipation;
  • some hormonal preparations containing estrogen, have a negative effect on the elastic properties and the blood vessels;
  • otium women: lack of formed a congestion;
  • curvi uterus;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • quam varices of the uterus may develop on the background is not cured diseases inflammatory;
  • number of abortion and artificial birth;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle, which a woman does not appeal to the gynecologist;
  • gynecological pathology of a chronic nature also provoke the development of quam varices of the vessels;
  • game indigentiam adoption of prevention;
  • work complications;
  • often pregnancy;
  • obesity, which is the pressure of the uterus.

Symptoms quam varices of the uterus

The typical symptoms of not, but guess the development of the quam varices of the uterus one of the following:
  • pain syndrome traiecto and tractus nature of the abdomen – just like the inflammatory processes;
  • pain by irradia's, in the region of the sacrum or lower back;
  • severe pain syndrome during menstruation;
  • pain and discomfort during and after sexual intercourse;
  • abundant discharge from the vagina;
  • menstruation may occur for a long time, but with minor spotting;
  • impaired urination;
  • the pain can occur even after exercise and static poses.
Symptoms of varicose veins of the uterus</2_img>


If you find any symptoms quam varices of the uterus, you should immediately contact your gynecologist, who will perform the inspection on the gynecological chair. Definitely need to take a blood test. Apply advanced diagnostic methods:

  • ultrasound intravaginales: sensor introduced into the vagina, to assess the state of the vessels;
  • to identify the severity of intrauterine venography is used: a method reminiscent of the x-rays, but use the shadow for the substance;
  • laparoscopy;
  • computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • dopplerographic research methods;
  • ultrasound.

If not treated quam varices of the uterus, complications: infertility, rupture of blood vessels, bleeding, inflammation, thrombosis, murky belly syndrome and so on.Treatment quam varices varicose veins in the uterus Quam varicose veins treatment expansion of vessels should be carried out comprehensively. The only way to achieve positive results. Treatment includes the following components:

1. Medical treatment of such drugs:
  • venarum tools that will not only strengthen the walls of veins, but also to eliminate the inflammation and swelling. .
  • angioprotective drugs, thanks to which accelerates blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels and reduces the permeability of the veins. They also antiexudativ effect.
  • drugs, which have analgesic effect.
2. Receive of multivitamin complexes. 3. Power correction the doctor appoints special diet that must be strictly followed. In advanced cases there is surgical intervention. It can be such a method:
  • Vascular resection. In this case, tracking is performed using an endoscope.
  • Sclerotherapy, or embolization to vessels in the ovari. In this case, you need to enter a special solution, which allows to reduce the clearance of Vienna quam varices of the uterus. It is certainly angiography – examination of the uterus using a contrast agent.
  • Can be removed by the gonadal vein.
  • Hysterectomy amputetur the uterus.
  • Sclerotherapy is used which affects the blood vessels are glued together.
  • Another ultra-modern method of laser coagulation. Thanks to laser adurere, damaged Vienna.

Popular recipes treatment quam varices of the uterus is used aids. They are quite effective and completely safe. Here are the best recipes:

  • The use of horse chestnut is quite justified, because the plant has a beneficial effect not only on the walls of the circulatory system, but also the structure of the blood. You can prepare a tincture at home or buy it in any pharmacy. The tool is cheap, but effective. Home-cooking, you will need the fruit or flowers of chestnut in the amount of 5 tablespoons. They pour a liter of alcohol, diluted with water 50/50. Insist 7 days in a dark place. At times, the tool is shaken. Then strain the tincture through several layers of cheesecloth and taken orally three times a day. Fill the glass with water, place 30 drops of tincture, mix thoroughly. Then drink the remedy. It is recommended to consume it 20-30 minutes before eating.
  • You can use flowers of lilac and propolis. Flowers need 100 grams of propolis – 30. Mix the two ingredients and pour into a bottle of quality vodka. Infuse for 30 days in a dark place. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals.
  • Nettle. It can be used fresh or exar generosity. 200 ml of boiling water you need to take a couple of tablespoons of herbs. Boil for 15 minutes in a water bath, after cooling filter. Eat three times a day 100 ml.
Popular recipes treatment</3_img>


Preventive measures to prevent quam varices of the vessels of the uterus is quite simple. They include the following functions:

  • Proper nutrition, allowing the body to deal with any pathological processes. Also, a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins, promotes proper saturation of the blood circulatory system. Therefore, the walls of the veins are strong and elastic, and the blood has normal structure.
  • No need to strain too much body physical exertion. If you move, don't bring yourself to fatigue. Do not use weights.
  • Don't let obesity control your weight.
  • Don't wear poorly fitting undergarments.
  • Visit a gynecologist twice a year, even if you don't have a problem.

Forecast quam varices of the uterus is quite favorable, but only if timely to seek help from a gynecologist and phlebologist. A comprehensive treatment helps you to quickly and efficiently resolve this unpleasant problem.